Independent but not Alone

Instinct may sway you to believe that “Independent” implies an individual working in solitude. This may be accurate if you happen to be describing a “Digital Nomad” but consider alternative definitions of the word independent:

●  confident and free to do things without needing help from other people

●  having or earning enough money to not have to rely on somebody else for help

●  not connected with or influenced by something

Nothing about these definitions explicitly implies that one must be alone in order to be successful and I am inclined to argue the opposite. 

Just because you don’t need help, doesn’t mean that you work without support. It also doesn’t mean that your work doesn’t help others be more confident and free.

Financial freedom and independence unchain you to focus on the things and relationships that are most valuable to you.

There is a difference between being influenced and inspired. Many people are influenced by a harmful hustle culture that keeps them tired and dependent. I would argue that DI’s find inspiration because of their independence, free to pursue opportunities that inspire them.

“Independent” is a lifestyle, not an anti-social label. 

It’s the type of life you live, untethered to traditional organizational commitments and influence. It implies that you are the one in control of your destiny and security. It also implies that you are free to pursue a purpose as chosen by you, independent of outside workplace or societal influence and expectations. An independent life is one of freedom of choice both professionally and personally. 

And that choice tends to involve time spent with those who matter most to you.

The Digital Independent Life community is one that understands what it means to find and pursue a professional purpose in a way that respects your values. If you are considering the DI life I would encourage you to join us, at the very least check out the DI Stories and see for yourself the diversity in this movement and the variety of ways people have entered the community.

Consider joining our growing community of DI’s around the world, you can join and learn more here.


Establishing Your Digital Independence Day


What is a Digital Independent?