Establishing Your Digital Independence Day

The day you decided to embrace technology as a means to do work independent of rules, location, hours, and tasks defined by another person and/or business is the day you became digitally independent.

Maybe this day has not yet happened for you but, if you are reading this, I suspect that you are anticipating its arrival in the near future. 

Digital Independence Day is a cause for celebration and recognition and should be written into your personal history book. You have decided to be the one responsible for creating a system that produces your intended results working:

  • how you want

  • where you want 

  • when you want 

  • with whom you want 

  • on what you want

That is your Digital Independence Day, and it may be closer than you think.

My Digital Independence Day

I still remember my Digital Independence Day.  I had just left a very large corporation and was considering my options.  Do I “retire” and spend my days golfing and gardening? Accept the new job offer I just received for the smaller value-aligned local organization? Take on a new start-up?

I love to work, but it was really important to me to put my family first, as my kids were growing up far too fast and I wanted to spend any time with them that I could.  I accepted a short consulting engagement, with the condition that I could work on my terms on where, when and how.  I was hooked, I enjoyed the flexibility, the appreciation of the results, and being in control of my work.   Given my distaste for mowing the lawn, large golf handicap, and new found ability to be present at my daughter’s volleyball, hockey and basketball games.  I decided this is how I want to work forever.  This was March 2016.  7 years later and I have yet to wipe the smile off my face.

Digital Independence Day Gathering

There is a lot to gain in this lifestyle but it rarely comes immediately and only with some work. The work looks different for everyone which is why it’s so important to demonstrate that there is more than one way to reach your goals and embrace the DI life. 

The intention behind hosting a public Digital Independence day is to shine the spotlight on individuals who have figured out what this balance means in their own lives. DI’s live with an abundance mindset meaning that they are more than happy to share their stories and help you embrace the DI life too!

DI’s come in all shapes and sizes and have all kinds of starting points. Having guest speakers discuss their own situations that lead them to embrace life as a DI will help others in similar situations see a path forward, even if it doesn’t look exactly the same. Because there is no one way to become and live as a DI, we must observe and apply the tips and advice offered to us only as it relates to our own situation.

Because spring symbolizes new beginnings and growth, it’s an excellent opportunity to inspire people to embrace the DI life and establish their own Digital Independence Day.

The Digital Independent Life community is one that understands what it means to find and pursue a professional purpose in a way that respects your values. If you are considering the DI life I would encourage you to join us, at the very least check out the DI Stories and see for yourself the diversity in this movement and the variety of ways people have entered the community.

Consider joining our growing community of DI’s around the world, you can join and learn more here.


Sustain, Live, Thrive.


Independent but not Alone