What is a Digital Independent?
The definition of a Digital Independent (DI) can not be found in a dictionary. To the best of my knowledge, this is a term that I may have coined and, after much consideration, the following is my formal definition:
“A Digital Independent is a professional who embraces technology as a means to do work independent of rules, location, hours, and tasks defined by another person and/or business. In essence, this person dictates their own life and determines the direction, pace, and purpose of their professional work. They are solely responsible for creating a system that produces intended results - working how they want, where they want, when they want, with whom they want and on what they want”
You may have heard the term “Digital Nomad” (DN) and while a digital nomad could certainly be considered a DI, their nomadic nature tends to paint a solidary picture as opposed to a collaborative one. To me, the term Digital Independent better captures the more social and connected nature of someone living a life independent of external pressures and responsibilities, allowing them to live fully while still contributing and maintaining an active role in society.
DI’s are Remote Workers but not all Remote Workers are DI’s
DIs are different from remote workers in that a remote worker can still be dependent on an employer and therefore not fully independent. That said, remote work is often a gateway to digital independence. When people get a taste of freedom, they start to consider ways that they can better work their professional life around their personal one.
In my own experience, I find the transition from remote work to digital independence to be a gradual but healthy one as it allows you to test the waters in a way that is financially responsible to many people. There is no right or wrong way to make the switch, only ways that respect your current situation and available resources. I would encourage you to check out the many DI stories that show the variety of circumstances that prompted people to pursue a lifestyle change.
Breaking Down the “D” and “I”
In essence, Digital is the tool and Independent is the lifestyle.
Digital technology has evolved to a point that many jobs can be done over the internet or by the means of other technology. “Digital” is the hammer in the toolbox of a DI, enabling them to get the job done from virtually anywhere.
Independent is the life that digital can enable you to live. It’s the type of life you live, untethered to traditional organizational commitments and influence. It implies that you are the one in control of your destiny and security. An independent life is one of freedom of choice both professionally and personally. To me, it also implies that you are free to pursue a purpose as chosen by you, independent of outside workplace or societal influence and expectations.
Is Digital Independence Right for Me?
Without ever having met you, I have a hunch that your curiosity is a good indication that the DI life could be for you. To help you along, consider answering these questions:
Do you desire to contribute professionally to the world?
Do you believe there is more than enough work to go around?
Do you feel that technology is a tool that can be used for good?
Do you value self-sufficiency?
Are you inspired by people currently living this type of life?
If you answer yes to those questions, you are well on your way to embracing the DI life!
Consider joining our growing community of DI’s around the world, you can join and learn more here.