Embrace life as a Digital Independent.
DID 2023 was a huge success with guests sharing their unique experiences and path that led them to the Digital Independent Life. Stay tuned for announcements of Digital Independence Day 2024 and future events.
Whether currently living as a DI, new on the journey, or DI curious, we invite you to join us for Digital Independence Day (DID) 2023!
A Digital Independent is a professional who embraces technology as a means to do work independent of rules, location, hours, and tasks defined by another person or business.
In essence, this person dictates their own life and determines the direction, pace, and purpose of their professional work.
They are responsible for creating an environment that fits their life - working HOW they want, WHERE they want, WHEN they want, with WHOM they want and on WHAT they want.
Glen Hicks
“My professional purpose is to live and promote the Digital Independent Lifestyle so I and others can be freely and fully committed to the people, passions and causes that mean the most to us. By writing this book, my goal is to help provide insight into what it means to be a Digital Independent and how you can embrace this lifestyle to live a more fulfilling life… all while contributing to the world professionally!”
2023 Speakers
“I can’t possibly tell you how to maintain a reasonable and imperfect balance but I can tell you that I have seen an impressive range of balancing acts.”
- Glen Hicks, author of Rewired Not Retired: Embracing Life as a Digital Independent
Are you looking for work/life balance?
Do you need a degree or specific education to become a DI?
Not at all! DI’s come from all walks of life and have all kinds of different backgrounds. Many DI’s pick up their skills with free online courses or are self taught.
Can you still become a DI even if you can’t quit your job right away?
Absolutely. In fact, it’s much better to ease your way in and ensure that you are financially secure prior to making the switch.
Is becoming a DI a fast way to make money?
Contrary to what a YouTuber living in a van may have told you, the DI life is not a get-rich-quick life.
The promise is not of financial riches (though you can certainly make good money) but of true freedom.
Can I still be a DI even though I have no desire to travel far from home?
There is nothing that says you even have to leave your home! A DI simply has the option to choose when and where they work.
Is there an age limit to when someone can become a DI?
As long as you have a heartbeat, you can embrace the digital independent life!
Do I need to retire before I can be a DI?
Rewired, NOT retired. DI’s want to work, they just want to work their own way.
To retire is to suggest that someone ceases to have a professional life. No need to retire!
Independent but not alone.
““Independent” doesn’t mean that you go it on your own, you must establish a support system.” - Glen Hicks, author of Rewired Not Retired: Embracing Life as a Digital Independent
This is where Digital Independent Life comes in. We are a global group of humans living purpose-driven, independent lives having a global impact and connected through the power of Digital.
It is our mission To create a supportive community for the independent digital citizens of the world.