Steve - Believer In Gratitude

Engineer | Student and Teacher of Gratitude

DID: 2007

Steve, his high school sweetheart and first grandson

My dream is one billion happier people.

While not the typical career path of an Electrical Engineer, I began exploring the relationship between gratitude and philanthropic giving during my MBA—receiving the Gold Medal for highest academic standing. Since then, I’ve been writing and conducting practice-based gratitude research and teaching the habits of gratefulness—close to fifteen years now. What has emerged is our science-based program, Gratitude At Work. It's a simple, yet innovative approach to thriving leadership and business growth.

I founded Gratitude at Work in 2007 and started hosting conversations in my community which have since grown into work with leaders around the world, shifting cultures, helping leaders and their teams be happier at work by bringing more gratitude to work each day

Oldest of five and married high school sweet heart. Survived engineering and actually worked as one. Two awesome kids. Then realized my life was handed to me on a silver platter. This overwhelmed me with gratitude and discovered engineers have hearts (albeit dark charcoal grey).

Teach gratitude and my dream is one billion happier people. Not quite sure how to do it although it will hinge on this new digital age we are entering.

Kayla J. - Why Wait?


Bernadette F. - One World