Rewired Not Retired Book Cover

The Book on Freedom!

Freedom 55...

That was the plan. Maximize the pension, align with my spouse's retirement eligibility, stop working and take up travel, golfing and lawn-care.

Thankfully, I actually found Freedom 48.

I left a large corporate job and became a Digital Independent.

I love to work (on my terms), really don't like golf and absolutely hate yard work. But I do love freedom, time with my family, sea dooing, camping and travel.

It has been close to 7 years now and I have yet to wipe the grin off my face.

What I want now, is to share what I have so happily found, True Freedom, to do What I want, When I want, Where I want, How I want, and with Whom I want.

I wrote this book about the unconventional shift in my journey and my perspective on what it takes physically and emotionally to embrace this incredible lifestyle.

I hope it can be a reference for those who, like me, want to have professional impact after a long traditional career. Or, alternatively, those starting out or mid career wondering if there is a different journey than getting an old-school position, living with the confines of that job and looking forward to retirement.

True Freedom!!!