Practicing Gratitude

It’s hard not to practice gratitude when everything and everyone that you are grateful for plays such an important role in your life. This is the privilege I have as a Digital Independent and one that I feel compelled to share with as many people as possible.

My good friend and fellow DI Steve Foran, CSP has a daily email called Daily Gratitudes. I was invited to contribute to one week of his emails. There is so much power in putting your gratitude on paper and making it available for others to see and consider their own gratitude. 

That particular week, my gratitudes looked like this:


Theme: Family

  • My wife Deborah - we have been together for over 35 years and have built an amazing life together

  • My 3 children (Brandon, Jason and Meaghan) who are all grown, moved out and are stepping into each of their unique gifts. I am so proud of them.

  • That we all love to and get to spend time together (including grandparents) on a very regular basis.


Theme: Health

  • I am 55, alive and well after having 2 heart attacks and 1 close call.

  • I am able body to lift, go swimming, walk, hike and stretch

  • I have the time and means to eat well, get the medicine I need and focus on my health.


Theme: Work

  • I get to work on what I want, when I want, where I want and with whom I want.

  • I have amazing and appreciative clients, who really respect my advice and It is making a difference.

  • I am engaged in interesting opportunities that challenge and excite me.


Theme: Community

  • For the Growing Global Online community of Digital Independents all supporting each other on the platform.

  • For all the cool people I have met and dialogue with regularly on Linked In

  • For the local, growing diverse community at home. Love being part of the PRUDE organization celebrating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Theme: The World

  • Art in all its forms

  • Music in all its Genres

  • Technology when it is applied to help connect, educate and heal people.

I would encourage you to dust off one of the many journals or notebooks kicking around your house (or use this as an excuse to buy a shiny new one) and regularly jot down your gratitude.   The process itself is so heartwarming and rewarding. You will find you have a lot that you are grateful for.




Sustain, Live, Thrive.